On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 01:16:10PM -0500, Michael R. Batchelor wrote:
> Anyone got any surefire PCMCIA modem advise?
> I want to put Mandrake on a laptop, but the modem in it now is one of those
> winmodems things. Works fine under W95 but forget anything else.

You are out of luck. winmodems are, IMHO, one of the ugly devices ever 
seen. This modems lacks some basic functions that have to be done by
computer CPU, and drivers for this are, AFAIK, available only for
windows. The same for winprinters. The only thing I can say is to
avoid at all costs this kind of hardware. 

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group       http://flug.unife.it
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