At 03:46 24/03/99 -0600, you wrote:
>downloaded wordperfect its a .gz file but basically just getting starting
>and trying to figure how to even install something off a cd.  figured out
>how to mount my cdrom now installing is the big question.

A .gz is a gzipped file (analogous to pkzip) - to unzip it use "gunzip
However I suspect that what you have is a tar.gz file (same as .tgz) which
is an archive which has then been compressed with gzip. So you will need
to use "tar" and "gzip" together to extract and uncompress the data. 

My favourite is "tar xvfz filename.tar.gz" but before you start it's may
not be
a bad idea to do "tar tvfz filename.tar.gz" which will show you what is
inside the archive without actually writing to disk. This is handy for
making sure subdirectories are handled nicely and extraction
won't just splatter files over you current working directory.

By way of explanation :
  tar = Tape ARchive (originally used for tapes) and the
options t = list, x = extract, v = verbose, f = force to this file
and z = uncompress (using gunzip).

Once you got this far you should find an INSTALL or some
such in the newly created directory which should give you
the necessary steps to continue.

Good luck


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