Pat wrote:

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> I suppose I was unclear regarding my posting earlier.
> I am the only person I know who has ventured into linux and therefor have no way to 
>compare graphics adapters / monitors.  I have the STB Lightspeed 128 adapter 
>installed and it gives what I would consider reasonable performance for the time 
>being (considering that I only have the Mandrake KDE environment and no apps. to 
>compare it with.)   I am wondering if anybody has something they would definitely 
>recommend as a "higher end" graphics adapter (please, keep it under $200.)  
> Regards,
> Joseph Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Company
> Cleveland, OH


The stb lightspeed will do just fine. Dependinf on your monitor, you will be able to 
go to 1024*768 resolution in 24 (perhaps 32) bit.
The differences between the servers are only the hardware they support. For the 
lightspeed it will be the SVGA server. If you have say an ATI All In Wonder Pro, you 
would have to use the Mach64 server.

Thanks Pat,

        I was wondering what the differences between the servers was, I understood 
that they supported different adapters but didn't know if they offered any performance 
boost themselves or if that came strictly from the adapter cards.  I've go the STB 
running at 1024 x 768 at 24bit and it seems fine for now.  I'll have to play a while 
and see if I like the performance or if I need a better card.

Joe Gardner


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