<Could you please, please, PLEASE either:  - leave a blank line below your 
 or: - put a dot line below it (like ..... or ---- or _____)
 or (preferably): - use a decent mail client?>

No. For some of us that are at work we don't have this choice. So Again for 
those of us that are at work we are stuck with what we have.

<Your mails are a pain to read, because one has to
1st: actually remark that it's Outlook, who, against all standards and
laws of human logic, puts quoted messages *after* replies.>

This is By Default. Anyone can turn those off without a problem. It is in 
the Options.

<2nd: actually *find* your reply lines>
  3rd: scrolling down to see what they are referring to.>

I agree there. Some people although don't take the time to do this. Even 
the way I did it as far as the Snips and so forth. But it is something you 
have to live with. Trust me I know. I have to work with it. 5 days a week.

And while I am at it: Please don't post the complete mail chain you are
 referring to. Skip the parts which are not relevant and mark them with

The problem there is that what if someone wants to answer the question but 
wants to see the entire chain. They could be new hence the name NEWBIE and 
would like to learn something.

<(This means you, William ;-). One reply line and 65 lines quotes (I
  counted them!)...)>

WHY? Why did you sit there and count them? If you didn't like it then why 
take the time to count it?  Also, Why put the person(s) you are referring 
to name(s) in the message. This isn't a flame room or a name room. We are 
here to help one and other. You wouldn't like it if someone did this to you 
so why do it to someone else? Doesn't make sense to me. I do agree with you 
on some points but others I can see we don't see eye to eye. Then again 
that is my opinion. We all know "Opinions are like A**H***S, Everyone has 
one."   :)

James J. Capone

Webmaster http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/Linux  <----Stable Version
Webmaster http://linuxchoice.freeservers.com <----Still in the Works and 
almost complete. Darn Bugs

"Even Common People Can Attain Uncommon Results... Just Ask Microsoft they 
get uncommon results everytime you run windows. Darn Page Fault Errors!"

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