On Son, 28 Mär 1999, you wrote: / Am Son, 28 Mär 1999 schrieben Sie:
> [snip]
> No. For some of us that are at work we don't have this choice. So Again for
> those of us that are at work we are stuck with what we have.
I said 'or'. I know that not everyone is free to use what they like...
> <Your mails are a pain to read, because one has to
> 1st: actually remark that it's Outlook, who, against all standards and
> laws of human logic, puts quoted messages *after* replies.>
> This is By Default. Anyone can turn those off without a problem. It is in
> the Options.
I did not know, for I am not familiar with Outlook Express...
> <SNIP4>
> And while I am at it: Please don't post the complete mail chain you are
> referring to. Skip the parts which are not relevant and mark them with
> [snip]>
> The problem there is that what if someone wants to answer the question but
> wants to see the entire chain. They could be new hence the name NEWBIE and
> would like to learn something.
Hm. Point taken.
> <SNIP4>
> <(This means you, William ;-). One reply line and 65 lines quotes (I
> counted them!)...)>
> WHY? Why did you sit there and count them? If you didn't like it then why
> take the time to count it? Also, Why put the person(s) you are referring
> to name(s) in the message. This isn't a flame room or a name room. We are
> here to help one and other. You wouldn't like it if someone did this to you
> so why do it to someone else? Doesn't make sense to me. I do agree with you
> on some points but others I can see we don't see eye to eye. Then again
> that is my opinion. We all know "Opinions are like A**H***S, Everyone has
> one." :)
Oh, I just thought this one would go astray :-(. I didn't mean that
seriously (see the smiley?). No I didn't actually count them.
Sorry for being an asshole...
> James J. Capone
"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.