        I'm having a similar problem, except I have even more memory than you do.
When I run free -m I get the following results.

                        total   used    free    shared  buffers cached
Mem:                    10      9       1       5               1               2
-/+ bufffers/cache:     4       5
Swap:                   101     15      86

As you can see, linux thinks I only have 10meg of memory!! I even added the
append='128MB' statement to the lilo.conf, but no difference. Run the
free -m command and see if you get similar results.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Irsan S. P. Siregar
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 12:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] Making KDE run faster


I just installing (and start using) Mandrake 5.3. However, I feel
that KDE access my HD a lot, and it's slow (compared to Windoze 95).
Is it normal, or is there a way to speed it up?

My system is:
- Pentium 133
- 32 MB RAM
- Quantum Fireball 6.4 GB (Linux Native and Swap are here)
- Conner CFS850A (slave, not mounted in Linux)
I use the command
    hdparm -t -T /dev/hda
to check for HD performance. I forgot the result, but it's quite

BTW, is there a utility similar to MCLK (DOS utility to overclock
graphic card) for Linux? I run KDE with 1024 x 768 x 16bpp with
S3 ViRGE, and in its default clock speed, it's slow.

Thanks in advance,
Irsan SPS

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