On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 11:35:08AM +0400, Khalid J. Shahen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've read your message, and all I can say is ..."Dear Friend Drop this LINUX
> Shit" and switch to FreeBSD....don't waste your time???
> Khalid

A really wise-minded and useful mail, indeed.
(please note that:
1) Mandrake distribution is linux based
2) The mail reports configuration/distribution problems, 
not related to the os in use.)

> > 1) I can't even begin to configure PPP because pppd is not compiled in
> > the kernel
> > (I ran dmesg). I have no experience recompiling kernels (why on Earth
> > isn't PPP
> > compiled in the kernel anyway?!?), but tried to follow the directions in

AFAIK, the ppp support is compiled as module. Try a 
depmod -a 
as root, to be sure that all modules dependecies are correctly set up.
(the module is located in /lib/modules/2.0.XX/......)

> >
> > 2) How do I go about configuring sound? Do I have to compile that into
> > the kernel
> > too...? I have a soundblaster compatible card;

This may be related to the previous problem; after "depmod -a", try a
"sndconfig" command.

> >
> > 3) The CD player (generic 32x IDE device) worked fine during install,
> > but during a
> > Linux session I cannot
> >  i) manually open and close the CD tray;
> >  ii) mount the CD-ROM drive. Actually I sometimes can mount the CD-ROM
> > drive; but I still cannot manually open and close the CD tray. But it
> > works fine in that other operating system we have all grown to
> > dislike...
> >

Well, the icon "CDROM" of mandrake sometimes fails to work.
To test your cdrom, try a manual mount
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom

(provided that hdb is your cdrom drive)
check also your /etc/fstab file, there should be something like this:
/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom              iso9660 noauto,ro,user 0 0

(please note that /dev/cdrom is a symbolic link to /dev/hdc, my cdrom
is on second IDE channel. "user" parameter allows non-root users to
mount cdrom)

To eject the cd, try the "eject" command, "man eject" for more details.

> > 4) I tried minicom and echo but cannot get any response from my modem
> > under Linux. I correctly configured the modem using the RedHat
> > ``control-panel'' dialog, but I still cannot get a response.
> >

This is hard to fix from here :-). Be sure to have chosen the right
port/baudrate.. (and turn off the echo option, the modem itself should 
echo your commands (in command mode).

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group       http://flug.unife.it
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