On Mon, 08 Mar 1999 15:42:05 -0800, you wrote:

>Hey all,
>Is there someplace I can check on reported bugs for Kppp ??  I'm having alot of
>trouble with mine.  Sometimes it wil connect to my ISP, other times it tells me
>my ISP doesn't answer to configuration request, and still other times it will
>timeout waiting for the PPP interface to come up.  I would be interested to see
>if other people are having the same type trouble.  

Many times when I have seen this happen...and it happened to me, its
been due to a defective modem.  The time I had problems, once I
replaced the modem, the problems you described above went away.

While such a modem may seem to work ok under windows,  it can have a
major impact under Linux.   

Another problem could be if you have either an IRQ or I/O address
conflict.  Try switching your modem to a different I/O address for
example and see if that makes a difference.  Sometimes I/O address
problems only show up intermitantly as the different items try to use
the address.  Since they might not always be trying to use the address
at the same time the problem would be intermittant.

This problem though is not Mandrake specific and should more readily
be asked on one of the appropriate newsgroups for linux.  In fact,
many times just looking through the current posts to the specific
group you will find the answer to your question.

Normally someone here will answer most questions just a help to
someone new to Mandrake, but most hardware and even software problems
are not Mandrake specific, but are Linux specific, so it is better
sometimes to go to the newsgroups for such answers.

Anyway..I hope I have been of some help.

>Thanks to all the good folks here that helped me get Mandrake 5.3 going, 
>couldn't have done it with you.. !!!

There are a bunch of good folks on this list.


>Rick Keefer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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