Hello All,

               Ok here is the Thing. I am going to purchase a new Hard 
drive for my system sometime this week. When I get it I am going to run 
Linux on the old one I have. I have a Compaq Presario 2240 with a 2.1 gig 
drive. Right now I have it partitions so the Linux Mandrake uses 1.1 gigs 
of space and Win95 uses the other 1 gig. Well I am running out of space on 
the drive. I am going to be getting a 4 gig drive that I am going to have 
Win95 on (I have a Wife and 2 kids, They don't understand Linux YET) So 
what I am going to do is run Linux on the 2.1 gig drive. I think Mandrake 
will like the extra space don't you?? :)  What I need to know is how I am 
to set it up. Will Disk Druid and the Setup see the other HD, and Beable to 
modify the MBR for LILO/LEELO ???

Please Let me Know


James J. Capone

Webmaster http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/Linux  <---Stable Version 1.01
http://linuxchoice.freeservers.com <---Development Version  V1.02b

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