d.r.stewart wrote:
> On 19 Apr 99 at 6:38, Lloyd wrote:
> > I saw a while back on this list that someone had gotten
> > RP5.0 to work after much experimenting. I'm not sure who it
> > was, but I thought it was either Jeanette or Denise.
> twasn't me <g> but i did find this:
> you seem to be having problems running RealAudio Player 5.0 for Linux
> on your new 2.2.x kernel, you can fix the bug in with the dd command:
>      dd if=/dev/zero of=rvplayer bs=1 count=1 conv=notrunc seek=702554
> Note that you want this to actually edit the rvplayer binary, so you
> need to run this in the directory where the binary is.
> if you need more help do a search at :
> http://www.portico.org/categories/
> hth
> denise

Jeanette and Denise,

Thanks, but it was the ELF that I downloaded, or if not, the size of the
tar file is identical to the Redhat RPM.  Also, I'm running Mandrake 5.3
using the kernel 2.0.36, haven't "gotten courage" for the 2.2.x yet. 
Also, most things seem to be going pretty well.  If it takes a newer
kernel to get RealPlayer running I guess I'll do it, but I'd like to win
the battle on this front before moving on.  Also, I saw a msg some place
on DejaNews where someone said that he/she finally got Netscape to use
rvplayer50 after they'd upgraded to Netscape 4.5x.  Again, I'm running
the default Netscape 4.08 that Mandrake sets up on "workstation"

Maybe I should put it this way:

Has anyone gotten rvplayer50 (a.out, ELF, or rpm) to run smoothly with
kernel 2.0.36, Netscape 4.08, and Mandrake's default workstation
installation?  Right now if I go to one of NPR's audio and click on it,
it seems to "load" in 1-2 seconds and then nothing.  If I try to
download using netscape (shift+<left-click>), I get a file ~75bytes in

If so, please, tell me how.  If not,... I'll jump off a ..., nah, it
ain't that bad, but I would like to be able to hear some of the world
out there.


Gerry Eichner
York, PA

ps - also on a "sound" note, anyone know which of the KDE (or other x
apps) is capable of recording into an SB-64AWE.  Any suggestions which
apps to use to make a short .wav file from the mike input or from an
audio cd-rom?

Thanks, again.

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