I am having this problem also at the console with nothing running I am using
60 Mb of ram.  Also what command gives you that nice printout with the IRQ's
and installed devices like that?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 1:57 AM
Subject: [newbie] Ram Usage

> > I was just testing out some new commands I learned tonight, and was
startled to see
> > that Linux is using such a large amount of ram.  I was also concerned
about the
> > "please recompile me" message.
> I've included the output of my procinfo -a command at the end of this
message, if
> anyone is so inclined to take a look.
> If fact, the following example was taken during a kde session with
netscape, licq,  and
> the gimp running.  When I ran the command with kde closed and no programs
running, it
> reported that even more Memory was being used?  ( I ran it after a reboot
if that
> matters?)
> On a side note, I recall someone was having trouble with Star Office.  I
installed it
> today for the first time and created a step by step journal for my own
> reference.  It seems to be running well, so if like I could mail it to
you, just drop
> me a line.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Ben
> > Linux 2.2.3-ac4-4 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc #1
> > [WARNING: can't print all IRQs, please recompile me]
> > Memory:      Total        Used        Free      Shared     Buffers
> > Mem:         63276       57716        5560       50336        1332
> > Swap:        52916        3088       49828
> >
> > Bootup: Fri Apr 23 00:58:12 1999    Load average: 0.13 0.12 0.09 1/44
> >
> > user  :       0:01:29.85   3.3%  page in :   119249  disk 1:       34r
> > nice  :       0:00:00.00   0.0%  page out:     8385
> > system:       0:00:28.76   1.0%  swap in :       26  disk 3:    20882r
> > idle  :       0:43:57.36  95.7%  swap out:      929
> > uptime:       0:45:55.96         context :   424826
> >
> > irq  0:    275597 timer                 irq  9:         1 soundblaster
> > irq  1:      1022 keyboard              irq 12:     18848 PS/2 Mouse
> > irq  2:         0 cascade [4]           irq 13:         1 fpu
> > irq  5:     49665 serial                irq 14:        43 ide0
> > irq  6:         3                       irq 15:    260635 ide1
> >
> > Kernel Command Line:
> >   BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=1601
> >
> > Modules:
> >  17 *ppp              4 *slhc             2 *nls_iso8859-1    3
*nls_cp437       11
> > *vfat            24 *fat             10  opl3            31  sb
> > uart401         54  sound            0  soundlow         2 *soundcore
> >
> > Character Devices:                      Block Devices:
> >  1 mem              10 misc              1 ramdisk
> >  2 pty              14 sound             2 fd
> >  3 ttyp             29 fb                3 ide0
> >  4 ttyS             36 netlink           9 md
> >  5 cua              128 ptm              22 ide1
> >  7 vcs              136 pts
> >
> > File Systems:
> > ext2                [proc]              iso9660             [devpts]
> > vfat
> >
> >

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