Russ Westbrook wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just changed my video card from a Trident SVGA to a Cirrus Logic VLB
> card. Linux boots just fine. When I log into KDE it is all messed up.
> How do I change the settings? Also, When I installed Linux it asked me
> what resolution I wanted to run. If I choose 800 x 600 it gives me 640
> x 480 so I am stuck with 1024 x 768 which makes everything too small
> on this 14 inch monitor. How can I change the resolution without
> reinstalling everything (like ended up doing the last time)?
> Thanks
> Russ

Hi, Russ,

You may need to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Go into that file to the
Screen Section at the end.  Go to the section for your X server.  You'll
see subsections for the display depths 8, 16, 24, and 32 bits per
pixel.  The higher display depths will give you more colors, but your
video hardware might not be able to handle the higher depths.  To start,
if you want 800x600 resolution I suggest adding 800x600 resolution to
the 8 bpp display subsection, if it's not already in there.  It would
look like this:

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes       "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
        Virtual     800 600

Then start X with 'startx -- -bpp 8'.  This should put you in 800x600. 
You can cycle between modes with <ctrl><alt><+>.  Use the + on the
number pad.  If you decide you want more colors, you can issue the
startx command with a higher depth value.  But make sure you have a
display subsection for the higher color depth in your
/etc/X11/XF86Config.  OK, good luck,


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