Hi Don,
Me like you are  new to this OS, and I have my 5.3 working.
But when I go into the KDE desktop as a user, nothing seems
to be installed, or working , apps that is.
I am very frustrated already, as I have a USB modem, and know
it will never (at least under this config) be supported.
So how can I even think of giving up MS win98, I cAn't .
Seems like all users  are supposed to be supergeeks, code writers, &
programmer's.  NOt just a fairly intelligent guy, like you or me.
I am ready to bAil, if some one tells me how to delete this LILO,
so I won't have it on my C drive.

----- Original Message -----
From: Donald J. Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 2:52 PM
Subject: [newbie] kernel update & configure

> OK, here goes...I'm jumping into Linux.  Looks like an interesting
> operating system and besides, I think MS is at least arrogant and
> perhaps monopolistic, so we need to find something better.
> I am not an administrator and never will be, but I would like to use and
> learn the system as I believe the future may belong to an open system.
> I bought a copy of Redhat 5.2 at my local CompUSA.  I ordered a copy of
> Linux-Mandrake from cheap bytes.   No manuals from cheap bytes, living
> up to their name.
> I tried (on a 3.1 gig, freshly formatted hard drive with nothing else on
> it) to install Redhat.  I could only get as far as the grey screen.  I
> re-installed twice.  Same deal.  No one could help me get a windows
> interface running.  So, I tried Mandrake and lo and behold, I got
> xwindows running right away.   Three cheers for Mandrake and BOO to you,
> redhat!  Wouldn't even answer my e-mail after I paid for their system.
> The screen works (well, almost.  It is shrunken at 1024 X 768 but it
> works), the sound card talks to me and makes all of the .wav noises.
> With the help of some paid support, I was able to get on ibm.net, my
> ISP.  Still can't get kppp to get me on the internet, but I'll figure
> that out someday.  Now I have a redhat manual and a mandrake system.
> Nothing seems to match up, although Mandrake is supposed to be
> compatible with redhat.  Sure...
> So now, I think I would like to upgrade my kernel (now that I know what
> one is) and have been studying all the information available at several
> locations.  I downloaded and printed out the detailed instructions.  I
> then check to find my kernel and guess what?  It is not where it is
> supposed to be, at least not according to the documentation.  Mine is
> in  /proc/sys/kernel  not /usr/src/linux.  So much for the directions.
> I suppose that is where it is normally found under Mandrake 5.3, which
> is (I now know) running on my computer.  It would really be nice if
> there was some information somewhere that would make some of these
> things available.  I am not lazy and would gladly look up the proper
> information, but it sure is frustrating to try and find something; when
> everyone that is already using linux assumes that anyone just starting
> must already know all of this stuff!  I have news for you.  We DON'T!
> But we want to support the concept and would like to learn.  Please be
> patient with our ignorance.  Most of us are not stupid, just ignorant.
> I happen to have an airline transport type rating in the 747-400.  If
> you came up in the cockpit with me, I could make you look pretty stupid
> if I wanted to, but that wouldn't make me any smarter, so I would not do
> that.  enough said...
> How, please, does one upgrade from 2.0.36 to the new 2.2 kernel under
> mandrake 5.3?  If I do this, will I destroy my cofiguration for getting
> on the internet through control panel, network,  interfaces and
> highlighting and clickin on my ppp0 interface?
> Thanks for any help

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