-----Original Message-----
Donald J. Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I bought a copy of Redhat 5.2 at my local CompUSA.  I ordered a copy of
>Linux-Mandrake from cheap bytes.   No manuals from cheap bytes, living
>up to their name.

If you view the contents of the CD in windows (if its still on your
machine), you will see that there are HTML files on it.   These are copies
of the manual that Redhat used paper to print and some people never look at.
Its a waste if not used.  Using your browser of choice you can view these
pages, which have been altered to reflect the changes made by Mandrake.

>I tried (on a 3.1 gig, freshly formatted hard drive with nothing else on
>it) to install Redhat.  I could only get as far as the grey screen.  I
>re-installed twice.  Same deal.  No one could help me get a windows
>interface running.  So, I tried Mandrake and lo and behold, I got
>xwindows running right away.   Three cheers for Mandrake and BOO to you,
>redhat!  Wouldn't even answer my e-mail after I paid for their system.
>The screen works (well, almost.  It is shrunken at 1024 X 768 but it
>works), the sound card talks to me and makes all of the .wav noises.
>With the help of some paid support, I was able to get on ibm.net, my
>ISP.  Still can't get kppp to get me on the internet, but I'll figure
>that out someday.  Now I have a redhat manual and a mandrake system.
>Nothing seems to match up, although Mandrake is supposed to be
>compatible with redhat.  Sure...
Again look at the CD for the appropriate docs.   Also see the many HOWTOs on
the net and you made a good step coming here.   I have learned a ton reading
about the problems of others.   There are a couple of not-so-newbies here
answering the harder questions, the rest we help each other.

>So now, I think I would like to upgrade my kernel (now that I know what
>one is) and have been studying all the information available at several
>locations.  I downloaded and printed out the detailed instructions.  I
>then check to find my kernel and guess what?  It is not where it is
>supposed to be, at least not according to the documentation.  Mine is
>in  /proc/sys/kernel  not /usr/src/linux.  So much for the directions.
>I suppose that is where it is normally found under Mandrake 5.3, which
>is (I now know) running on my computer.  It would really be nice if
>there was some information somewhere that would make some of these
>things available.  I am not lazy and would gladly look up the proper
>information, but it sure is frustrating to try and find something; when
>everyone that is already using linux assumes that anyone just starting
>must already know all of this stuff!  I have news for you.  We DON'T!
>But we want to support the concept and would like to learn.  Please be
>patient with our ignorance.  Most of us are not stupid, just ignorant.
>I happen to have an airline transport type rating in the 747-400.  If
>you came up in the cockpit with me, I could make you look pretty stupid
>if I wanted to, but that wouldn't make me any smarter, so I would not do
>that.  enough said...
>How, please, does one upgrade from 2.0.36 to the new 2.2 kernel under
>mandrake 5.3?  If I do this, will I destroy my cofiguration for getting
>on the internet through control panel, network,  interfaces and
>highlighting and clickin on my ppp0 interface?
If you go to www.linux-mandrake.com there is a link on the main page to info
on upgrading.  See the left hand side of the page.   I looked at it but
haven't used it yet.   The instructions seemed clear and there is another
link to follow to find the current downloadable kernel RPM for Mandrake.
Your almost there.

>Thanks for any help

Us newbies need to stick together and help each other.   That being said I
got a problem with....

"A mind is a terrible thing."

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