On Tue, 18 May 1999, you wrote:
> > > I also installed Red Hat 6 on another partition. It is missing kpackage and
> > > glint, which is a very ugly error from Red Hat. Pppd works fine as ROOT, but
> > > when I try to bring up kppp the following is the message:
> > 
> > What does this have to do with Mandrake, might I ask?  As for it missing
> > kpackage and glint, who REALLY cares?  Glint sucked rocks through a
> > straw!  
> Thank God I did not install it then ;-)
> > Try gnorpm or (horror of horrors!) the command line!  As for
> > kpackage, I tried it with Mandrake and just gave up on it.  While
> > uninstalling packages, it would magically up and lose root privileges
> > every few minutes forcing me to restart the program.  Thanks, but no
> > thanks.
> It's rather buggy at uninstalling sometimes. But installation is pretty nice.
> Just click on an rpm file in the kfm window and up it pops. Installs are easy
> too.
> However...I prefer the rpm command line...it's more "deterministic" for now.
> (hey, i'm being nice) :-)
> > > Do these Linux companies know what they are doing? Since Red Hat received so
> > > much investment, and Mandrake became successful their products are not worth
> > > buying unless you are a programming guru who can fix the ugly errors.
> > 
> > This KPPP problem doesn't exist on my copy of Mandrake, and I haven't
> > seen any other postings about 'works as root, not as user' from anyone
> > else in the past 3 or 4 months that I've been using Mandrake.
> > 
> I agree...it sounds pretty bad. Even on my worst days it was never that bad for
> me. When you installed Mandrake, did you get any error messages? How about at
> boot time? Might want to look at /var/messages.

I used to do it. There is nothing there.
Pppd is terminated on signal 15. I have no idea what that is. 
1. I dial my ISP --> pppd dies unexpectedly (it complains that the server
didn't pass on the required configuration, but it is not sure, it says.
2. I dial again immediately --> it connects without problem.
3. I installed RH 6.0 on another partition. It connects without any problems.
The only trouble with it: you cannot install Star Office 5.0 on it, and
RealPlayer doesn't seem to work either.


> > As for the 'programming guru' comment, I'll be the first to admit that I
> > couldn't code my way out of a paper bag.  My Mandrake installation and
> > subsequent use has been completely trouble-free and without any need to
> > program anything.
> Same here. Although, programming is the reason I'm using Linux. (Steve! Try
> Python. I'm serious! :-))
> I think it's not "programming" that you mean...it's configuring. And remember
> that "figuring" is a big part of "configuring". Seriously, though. Docs abound
> and help is friendly (here, anyway). So persevere, it's worth it. (you'll have
> to get out of Win98 mindset, though).
> You get bonus marks for asking "where can I find docs about..." type questions
> as well as "I'd like to do...where do I find the docs / what docs are
> pertinent?". Of course, general questions will be normally entertained here. It
> _is_ a "newbie" mailing list.
> > 
> > > I am very upset about their carelessness. Linux will not win the hearts of
> > > people this way. I am now not recommending it to anyone until it will be
> > > praised on the newsgroups.
> > 
> > I'm sick and tired of people posting to this mailing list who've seen a
> > mention of Linux somewhere, bought a distribution, installed it, and now
> <snipped>
> > WITHOUT the "threats" to give up Linux.  You'll get alot further.
> > 
> > --
> > Steve Philp
> Well said, Steve. I could not have waxed as lyrical-ly myself.
> I dare say there is a large number of newbies coming to Linux everyday. Whether
> they stay on depends much on whether they can or have the time or are lucky
> enough (like me) to be able to find the docs "in the nick of time". Or maybe I'm
> just too dumb to know when quit. ;-)
> -- 
> --------------------------------------
> Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
> *And avid Python breeder.
> --------------------------------------

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