Kuraiken wrote:
> > I'm sick and tired of people posting to this mailing list who've seen a
> > mention of Linux somewhere, bought a distribution, installed it, and now
> <snipped>
> > WITHOUT the "threats" to give up Linux.  You'll get alot further.
> >
> > --
> > Steve Philp
> Well said, Steve. I could not have waxed as lyrical-ly myself.
> I dare say there is a large number of newbies coming to Linux everyday. Whether
> they stay on depends much on whether they can or have the time or are lucky
> enough (like me) to be able to find the docs "in the nick of time". Or maybe I'm
> just too dumb to know when quit. ;-)

I didn't mean to sound like I've always had a golden Unix spoon in my
mouth when I wrote the stuff above.  It's just not true.  I've BEEN
there.  When I first installed Slackware about 4 or 5 years ago the
install went fine, but after that my CDROM didn't work, I couldn't get X
configured, and I had NO CLUE what to do with the system.

I finally figured out that the kernel that you install with isn't the
kernel that's installed on the system and that's why the CDROM didn't
work.  I didn't get X to work for over a YEAR after installing the stuff
-- I had a non-standard video card and a non-standard monitor and
despite reading the docs, I just couldn't get it working.  As for not
knowing what to do with the system, a couple of Linux books helped me
out greatly in finding out how to use the system -- "The Linux Bible" (a
printed collection of the HOWTO's really), and a book that (if I
remember correctly, authored by SuSE) described various Linux

I still wonder why I never gave up on Linux in those days, but I think
it's probably got something to do with me really wanting to figure this
whole thing out.  I'm not a programmer, but I could probably whip up
some Tcl/Tk code or maybe Perl (and I'm currently playing with PHP --
witness the MUST website) if it came down to it.

All in all, Linux has been pretty good for me.  I _know_ I wouldn't have
learned as much about the Internet, providing services, server security,
or user administration without using Linux.  And all of those things are
exactly what landed me my new job.  

Steve Philp

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