Why can't I just delete this file that was created by the LILO install, I
assume its a hidden file on my C drive?
Any thing to do with format, makes me believe it wipes the MBR  clean.

----- Original Message -----
From: James J. Capone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] kernel update & configure

> Hello,
> Well stability for one. No need to reboot everytime you upgrade something.
> Nothing is hidden from you, Better use of space and speed of your
> Many other reasons. I guess we all have our reasons one or the other. But
> if you run the format /mbr that will remove Lilo from your boot record and
> boot right into Windows 9.xxx
> Good Luck and sorry Linux didn't work out for you,
> James J. Capone
> Webmaster http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/Linux
> Asst. Webmaster http://www.ptm.com
> Co-Author - Linux Book For Newbies.
> "The Only Person To Hear Both Sides Of A Argument Is The Guy In The
> Apartment Next To Yours!"
> On Monday, May 17, 1999 6:43 PM, Pliler's Remote Unit Mail
> > Hi James,
> > I just bought (yes paid $55 for the LM, thru Circadian soft\ware),
> because
> > I'm retired with lots of time
> > on my hands. I also was influenced by the ZDTV guys who keep hyping how
> > great this OS is.
> > I don't play games, and my only use would be to do the net. and I can't
> with
> > my modem even give
> > that a try., So why do I need it, I can't name one reason.
> > I just wasted $55.
> > Will
> >

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