On Sat, 29 May 1999 20:47:44 +0800, you wrote:

>> Just installed Mandrake 5.3 a couple of days ago, and I have been
>> configuring it the last couple of days (BTW, thanks Brian for the tip
>> with the mouse)... But it seems that KDE is working sluggishly slow
>> (Slower than MSOffice 97 on a Pentium 100, if you take my meaning)
>> Is my AMDK6 (200Mhz) with 32MB of Ram too old for KDE? (works fine in
>> the _other_ OS)
>> I have a 40Mb swap partition, and it seems to be in use all the time.
>> Gimp refuses to run, Netscape takes forever to download a simple, almost
>> all text webpage (yahoo)... It doesnt seem right.

Another thing is he could have his video set to too high a resolution
and too many colors for the amount of memory on his card combined with
system memory and swap size.   Using too high a resolution combined
with limited memory and and small swap file will almost gaurantee he
would experience just what he describes.

He could also be using an incorrect or outdated video driver for his
card.  From what he is describing it sounds more like a video or
combination video/memory/swapfile problem than anything else.

Also...if he did the workstation install, it means he also installed
alot of stuff that is going to be running in the background.  He aught
to just do a re-install and do a custom install and make sure he
doesnt select a bunch of stuff that is going to eat up system
resources...cause 32 megs just really isnt much memory.  

>This is a bit weird...we have some pcs with P5 166MMX with only 32MB (and
>another 32MB swao) and it runs fine. Not all that slow. Netscape does take a
>long time to load but after that it should be okay. Gimp should work fine as
>well. A bit slow using some of the filters/tools but otherwise should be usable.
>Could there be some background tasks running that you don't need? Also...what
>speed are you connecting at?

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