I am a newbie to this Linux thing. In the past I have used Win95, which I
feel comfortable with, but now I'am after a better, more stable OS. For this
I chose Mandrake 6.0.

My problem is installation, which I have spent the past 4-5 days trying to
accomplish, before I explain my problem I will give you a brief description
of my system, just in case it is something obvious that's wrong:

Cyrix 6x86 P150+
32 Mb RAM
2.1 Gb HD (master)
420 Mb HD (slave) - with old Windows files on (*.doc, .....etc.....)
Acer Acerview 33D monitor (14")
Atapi 4x CD-ROM
Soundblaster 16 sound card
56K clone modem
Scanner Interface card
HP Deskjet 690C
Diamond 3D 200 PRO graphics card
.... I think that's about it....

Anyway, I install virtually all of Mandrake, with a disk partition of 64Mb
swap and the rest native (/) on the 2.1Gb. The 420Mb is called "/dos" with
all my docs and stuff on.

I then configure the rest of the OS - printer, mouse, graphics, etc....
After about an hour of installation, the time has come to reboot the
machine, so I take out all boot media....... and log in as root.

This is when the problem arises. Sometimes all I get is a nice blue screen
with my cross in the middle - this doesn't go anywhere, so I have to reset,
which completey screws it all up.... and back to re-installing. Or, I can
get in, change permissions for all to shutdown the machine, logout and then
it crashes, so I have to reset, screwing it up again........ and back to
re-installing. Or, finally, I can get in and shutdown and then it dies on
me............... What to do? It's getting a tad bring now, unfortunately!!

If I have to reset, and lucky enough to get back in, then I'm offered a
different "log-in Window", which doesn't allow me as many options, and I can
never get the original back!!

Could it be a problem with my BIOS? - I'm pretty sure it's set properly.
Hardware problem?
Installation problem?
Should I not boot into X?
A problem with me?!?!?!

I think I've tried everything now.



Andrew Weller
M.Sc. Computing in Earth Sciences
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK
Tel. (+44) 01782 246883

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