Edit your FSTAB (as root) to show that partition similar to the following:
/dev/hda    /mnt/windows/    vfat    auto, user, rw, (etc--whatever other
mods you want in here)     0    0

This is assuming that Windows is loaded onto your primary partition on an
IDE hard drive.
----- Original Message -----
From: Hans Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mandrake Mailingliste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 3:44 AM
Subject: [newbie] Opening Windows files

> Hi out there!
> How can I get access to the windows partition - and files there from linux
> in mandrake 6.0.
> Formerly I have been using SUSE Linux and the tool yast offered that in an
> easy way. Something similar in Mandrake?
> regards
> Hans

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