Ripcrd6 wrote:
> I read recently about people on the cable network being able to access other
> users computers if they had the knowledge of a sysadmin.   Likely they were
> also using Linux to do so.  They could see files and everything is a browse
> mode on other people's PCs.   In the same article they discussed the
> benefits of DSL (digital subscriber line).   One benefit was that this could
> not happen.  A person would have to be at the phone company in the
> switchroom or building or whatever to have this kind of access.   Another
> benefit being that you could use your phone at the same time to make a call
> due to the way the setup worked.   YMMV, but I can't try either since we
> don't have that kind of service in my area yet.   We actually may, but we're
> talking paying an arm and a leg per month for it.
> Brian

Your right, cable modems have serious security risks because everyone
uses the same pipeline. DSL just became available here in Texas and it
is too expensive. $200 setup fee, $40 per month for the DSL line, then
another $40-100 per month for internet usage depending on the up/down
stream you want. 256k up / 384k down ($40 per month), 384k up / 1.5mb
down ($100 per month).

Jeremy Mann

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