On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, you wrote:
-I read recently about people on the cable network being able to access other
-users computers if they had the knowledge of a sysadmin.   Likely they were
-also using Linux to do so.  They could see files and everything is a browse
-mode on other people's PCs.   

This can be done.  I have done it.

-In the same article they discussed the
-benefits of DSL (digital subscriber line).   One benefit was that this could
-not happen.  A person would have to be at the phone company in the
-switchroom or building or whatever to have this kind of access.   Another
-benefit being that you could use your phone at the same time to make a call
-due to the way the setup worked.   YMMV, but I can't try either since we
-don't have that kind of service in my area yet.   We actually may, but we're
-talking paying an arm and a leg per month for it.

This is not true.  An xDSL connection us just as "dangerous" as a cable
modem.  If a 95 box is allowing unsecured access to the local segment,
it is almost certainly accessible from anywhere.  The only saving grace
of 95 is it doesn't usually run anything worth subverting.  A malicious
attacker could erase the contents of the hard drive if he wanted to.

Sometime scan your local network for ANT boxes running Back Office.  I am
absolutely astounded at the number of people who are running mail and
web services and don't seem to know it.  Spammer havens waiting to

Stephen Carville
Good News! NT is now approaching 23x6 availability!

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