Flight16 wrote:

For anybody else having the problem I was of a huge error crashing their system
whenever the shutdown script tried to halt, it is because of the power off command,
like Axalon said, but the specific problem comes from the -p parameter that tries to
power down your pc.  This command is near the end in SShalt script..  Just look in
your /etc/rc.d/rc0.d directory, and edit one of the last lines which contain "halt -i
-d -p" so that it doesn't contain the p, and is just "halt -i -d" and any other
parameters you used with it.  Hope this helps somebody else out there.   See ya.


I tried all this and it's still not helping me...I go to close or "End session"..
It hangs there for about two minutes and then finally shuts down..
The only thing is, it won't reboot...I get tons of errors and the go by on the screen so fast I can't read half of them, I did catch one
/ect/fstab  missing.... or thats at least part of it
I seem to lose fstab and mtab on every boot can I restore these in MC?
Is there an error log that I can read?
Don't want to start over again&again&again...
I seem to lose everything I was working on
including saved files and my newly created icons....

Rhich Barth
"The Phoneless Guy"

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