Hy, thanks for replying,
well, I will just keep poking at it until it works.
adios, STeve W.

--- Suryo Mataram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here :
>     Not sure what that last bit means- I didn't
> think there was a working
> driver for reading ext2fs drives from windows, or
> that you could install
> Linux on a FAT partition (apart from a UMSDOS
> install).
>     I can tell you that by the default install of
> Mandrake, the floppy path
> is /mnt/floppy and CD-ROM is /mnt/cdrom.  Other than
> that, it depends on
> where you have your Windows partition(s) mounted. 
> If you have only one
> drive in Windows, you can comment out the D: drive
> part in wine.conf.  Then,
> you'll need to mount your C: drive.  Wherever you
> mount it, that's what
> you'll put in WINE's config file.  I can't tell you
> too much more, as I've
> only used WINE once or twice before, and am not
> sitting at my computer right
> now.  I'm sure, though, that if you poke around the
> Internet long enough,
> you'll be able to find anything you might need to
> know about WINE.  Some
> experimentation can work wonders, too, if you're not
> sure about something.
> And the great part about Linux is, unless you're
> working as root (which you
> should not be) you can't hose your entire system if
> something goes really
> wrong(like what happens in Windows)- just that one
> user, at the worst!
> Have fun, and good luck.
> (Originally from)
> -Matt Stegman
> >I've tried WINE again and again with no luck.Can
> anyone send me a
> >sample script using Mandrake's version of WINE. I
> have samples off
> >Dejanews, but they are a little different and they
> don't work for me
> >anyway.
> >thanks, Steve w.
> Suryo Mataram.

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