> ok, I want to run MS Office with Wine emulator, but I have to edit the
> configuration file of wine to do so, but I dont know how to do it! It ask
> the Unix path of my floppy, my C drive, my D drive (both from windows) and
> temp drive... anyone knows what could be my path giving that  linux is
> in my D drive of windows?

    Not sure what that last bit means- I didn't think there was a working
driver for reading ext2fs drives from windows, or that you could install
Linux on a FAT partition (apart from a UMSDOS install).
    I can tell you that by the default install of Mandrake, the floppy path
is /mnt/floppy and CD-ROM is /mnt/cdrom.  Other than that, it depends on
where you have your Windows partition(s) mounted.  If you have only one
drive in Windows, you can comment out the D: drive part in wine.conf.  Then,
you'll need to mount your C: drive.  Wherever you mount it, that's what
you'll put in WINE's config file.  I can't tell you too much more, as I've
only used WINE once or twice before, and am not sitting at my computer right
now.  I'm sure, though, that if you poke around the Internet long enough,
you'll be able to find anything you might need to know about WINE.  Some
experimentation can work wonders, too, if you're not sure about something.
And the great part about Linux is, unless you're working as root (which you
should not be) you can't hose your entire system if something goes really
wrong(like what happens in Windows)- just that one user, at the worst!
Have fun, and good luck.
-Matt Stegman

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