On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Sean Brzozowski wrote:

> Thanks Jo and Axalon,
> Unfortunately I still have no luck.  If I setup everything like Axalon
> suggested, ping returns "network is not reachable".  I can ping myself, but
> not anything else.  If I setup "dhcp" bringing up eth0 during boot looks
> similar like setting wrong options in Windows:  send light is blinking
> occasionally, and receive light stays off.  After couple of seconds of this
> linux reports "failed".
> I assume that computer name I have to setup is (be gentle for the newbie)
> the very first option in the netconf (I don't remember the name).  Is that
> correct?
> Any suggestions :-(
> Sean

See my other postings on dhcp/cable modems if you need to/have to use
dhcp. This is a gateway problem, run winipcfg in winders and find the
default gw and input it in linux(test manualy w/ "route add default gw
x.x.x.x eth0", (any @home techs can stfu, or fix this shitty network you
have us on) in general the @home techs are morons they pulled most of 
them over from the lines crews, the only ones worth squat are the 
ones that got shipped to @home for training (one from each sub 
contracter) If they actualy got dhcp setup i'll be amazed. If your paper
work is like mine the gw is listed on it aside the other info as
> > Can somebody help me to translate following settings into the network
> > settings in linux?  I was trying to use netconf with different
> > configurations to no avail.
> >
> > Settings from cable company:
> > -------------------------------
> > Primary DNS:
> > Secondary DNS:
> > Subdomain address: aaa.nj.home.com
> > IP address:
> > DNS Name: aaaaaaaaa-a
> > (of course values are sample)
> >
> > The way I needed to set it up in Win9x and Win2000:
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > Computer name: aaaaaaaaa-a
> > Workgroup: @home
> > Obtain IP address automatically: checked
> > Obtain DNS server address automatically: checked
> > DHCP enabled: checked

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