Thanks Axalon.  It worked and now I'm a much happier camper.  My final setup
is the dhcp with the hard-coded ip address of the default gateway.

Now I only have to figure out how to set my video to something different
than 320x200 :-(

Thanks again,

----- Original Message -----
From: Axalon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

See my other postings on dhcp/cable modems if you need to/have to use
dhcp. This is a gateway problem, run winipcfg in winders and find the
default gw and input it in linux(test manualy w/ "route add default gw
x.x.x.x eth0", (any @home techs can stfu, or fix this shitty network you
have us on) in general the @home techs are morons they pulled most of
them over from the lines crews, the only ones worth squat are the
ones that got shipped to @home for training (one from each sub
contracter) If they actualy got dhcp setup i'll be amazed. If your paper
work is like mine the gw is listed on it aside the other info as

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