Morpheus The Sinful Weeper wrote:
> I have a problem, I have a SiS620 AGP card and i cant seem to
> configure x-windows ..I also have a daewoo monitor , it isnt listed..
> neither is the card, maybe this is the problem ?
> Btw..the only two connections i could set up were mini-com, (which
> sucks because i dont understand ) and netconf, which sucks because it
> kind of locks up or something
> I really need some guidance, thanks in advance
> PS : I thought mandrake was the easiest one ? I'm thinking of
> switching to caldera or Debian, maybe even RH...heheh....
> PS 2: All of this ive done from the terminal...i cant configure X

 go to,it's oriented
towards using pc monitors on a mac,but it's had the specs/scan freqs for
all the monitors I've ever looked for there. (even a couple commodore's)

  they have ten daewoo monitors listed from 1423b to 1704c
 the card I can't help you with,but if you get the scan rates for your
monitor,then you can play with the settings of the card,as long as you
keep it within the monitor's limits you won't hurt either one.

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