Lloyd Osten wrote:
> I have two computers, one running LM6.0 (this one) and the other one
> is running Win98. They are both connected to a cablemodem via a
> 10BaseT hub.  They both have their own separate static IP addresses.
> How can I make my Linux box talk to my Win98 box  (I'd like to mount
> the filesystem) and conversely, how do I get the Win 98 box to talk
> to my Linux box.
> I'm a total networking newbie, so you will have to be simple, clear
> and very specific...:-)  (good luck with THAT combination..:-))

If the cable modem acts like a hub, you should be able to
ping each machine from the other one right now, assuming
both machines are on the same subnet, which is most likely.

No communications is possible until you can ping.  Check it

1. Find out the IP of the Win98 machine.  Assume it is

2. Find out the IP of the Linux machine.  Assume it is

3. Then at the Linux box, type this command (you do not
have to be root):
prompt$ ping

You should see some results.  Use control-C to stop it.

4. At the Windows 98 box, open a DOS window.  start | programs |
msdos prompt.  At the prompt, type the corresponding command
to ping the Linux box:
C:\WINDOWS> ping

This will give you 4 pings and then it stops, so you do not
need to control-C it.

Let us know the results.  Also advise if you are unable to find
out the IP address of the Windows98 box.
Ramon Gandia ================= Sysadmin ================ Nook Net
http://www.nook.net                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
285 West First Avenue                           tel. 907-443-7575
P.O. Box 970                                    fax. 907-443-2487
Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ========== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

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