On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Lloyd Osten wrote:
> > 
> > I have two computers, one running LM6.0 (this one) and the other one
> > is running Win98. They are both connected to a cablemodem via a
> > 10BaseT hub.  They both have their own separate static IP addresses.
> > How can I make my Linux box talk to my Win98 box  (I'd like to mount
> > the filesystem) and conversely, how do I get the Win 98 box to talk
> > to my Linux box.
> > 
> > I'm a total networking newbie, so you will have to be simple, clear
> > and very specific...:-)  (good luck with THAT combination..:-))
> If the cable modem acts like a hub, you should be able to
> ping each machine from the other one right now, assuming
> both machines are on the same subnet, which is most likely.
> No communications is possible until you can ping.  Check it
> out.  
> 1. Find out the IP of the Win98 machine.  Assume it is
> 2. Find out the IP of the Linux machine.  Assume it is
> 3. Then at the Linux box, type this command (you do not
> have to be root):
> prompt$ ping
> You should see some results.  Use control-C to stop it.
> 4. At the Windows 98 box, open a DOS window.  start | programs |
> msdos prompt.  At the prompt, type the corresponding command
> to ping the Linux box:
> C:\WINDOWS> ping
> This will give you 4 pings and then it stops, so you do not
> need to control-C it.
> Let us know the results.  Also advise if you are unable to find
> out the IP address of the Windows98 box.
Finding out my IP addresses is very simple
--they are written down!  :-)
Actually, I have memorized both of them.   The important thing is
that both machines can ping each other (I tried it;it works)  There's
about a 1ms delay.
So where do I go from here?

Lloyd Osten

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