This is a fault of Netscape.  It foten thinks that binary files are
actually text files, and so loads the binary file into the browser, giving
you plenty of gibberish.  It has something to do with file extensions and
MIME types on the server, and I'm not sure if you can configure Netscape
to override them (i.e.  specify *.rpm, *.gz, *.bz2, etc. as binaries).
Anyway, what you CAN do is hold down <SHIFT> while you click the link.
That will tell Netscape that no matter what, you want to save the target
of this link, not display it <whether it be binary, text, or unspecified).


On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Andrew R. Etzler wrote:

> I've been trying to download the KxICQ file in Netscape 4.6. Previously
> this has not been a problem. Just in the last day, instead of asking
> where it should save the file to, it simply downloads the file into the
> browser, giving me all sorts of gibberish. Has anyone run into this
> problem? Any suggestions for how I can correct it?
> Andy Etzler

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