On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear Thomas:
> You can use Gnomeicu in KDE, yes, in KDE. Just type in xterm, as user:
>  gnomeicu -a 
> The -a allows you to run gnomeicu independently of the Gnome desktop.
> You will NOT see the gnome desktop at all. You can even add an icon to
> your KDE desktop and in the Properties, Execute box type
> /usr/bin/gnomeicu -a
> That's all you need to do. I just tested my copy (in KDE, of course).
> Works perfectly.

I don't use KDE either :), but thanks, that works fine for me in XFCE.  I
guess I was so annoyed by seeing the gnome panel pop up the first time I
looked at gnomeicu, that between that and being pretty happy with licq I
didn't bother seeing if it had any command line options for not docking in
the panel.  Thanks again for bringing that to my attention.
> I have a quick question. I also have AOL's AIM for Linux. Does AIM allow
> you to connect to ICU, too, or only to AOL's Buddy list?

My GUESS would be no, but I don't use AIM and never have so I don't know.
If ICQ functionality is not readily apparently in the program or
documentation then I doubt it's there.


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