I checked here and am now depressed. A  couple of really good explanations here. But
the only thing is that if I want to get Linux up and running, I have to buy another
modem--other than the internal one--because Linux won't run that one. Argh. Oh well.

Anybody know if there are plans to support this sort of thing? I wish I knew the
first frigging thing about coding--I would start working on it. But, alas, I am a
bonehead about such things.

Oh well, have to go back to trying to get Linux running properly on my desktop.

Theo Brinkman wrote:

> Check out 'http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/' for a
> more extensive list.  The linux.org page seems a bit out of date.
> On another note, the 2540CDS is most likely the same as the 2545CDS.
> Toshiba normally distinguishes between direct-sale and retail 'versions'
> by using a 5 for the last digit of the 'retail model'.  Also, the
> 2545XCDT should only differ in that it has an active matrix screen.
>         - Theo
> bgf wrote:
> >
> > I have seen this, I was just wondering if anyone had made a clean install on my
> > specific machine. I'll probably dive in and give it a go anyway, but I was
> > curious if anyone had blazed the trail. Linux.org doesn't list the Satellite
> > 2540CDS specifically.
> > --
> > bgf
> >
> > Lorenzo Jimenez wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Reading so many laptop issues with Linux, this link will take to an specific
> > > link to your laptop to guide you to make a Linux install:
> > > http://www.linux.org/hardware/laptop.html.
> > >
> > > Lorenzo

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