It's a Crystal Audio 3-D sound.   I don't know the number on the chip off
the top of my head.  Will have to lift the hood.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Depends largely upon the manufacturer of the audio chips.... Who makes the
>on-board sound?
>        John

>From: Ripcrd6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Did you have any trouble setting up the on-board sound or ethernet.   I
>> have heard of those built-in devices not being recognized.   I have a
>> Socket 7 (Alton M570) mobo w/ built-in 3-d sound and I wonder how it
>> be.   Have seen comments in Mandrake newsgroup about the sound quality
>> being poor or not recognized.   Would appreciate any comments.   I will
>> installing soon.
>> Brian

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