On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> A colleague using a windows machine has e-mailed me some graphics in a zip
> file. Is there a good linux unzipper?
unzip <filename>
> Also, what are the commands to rename, 
mv <filename1> <filename2>
cp <filename1> <path/to/filename2>
(ie cp root/filename1 /home/james/filename2)
>and move files? I've tried
see rename and combine with cp. Basically, if you want to
move to a different directory, type "mv <filename>
<path/to/filename>" This should work just fine.
> saying ln and then removing he previous file, but this
>hasn't worked. 
And it won't. :-) mv works for BOTH "rename" and "move" (if
you want, you can put in an alias in your .bashrc for "ren"
to "mv" and that would allow you to use the old "dos"
command "ren" <G>)

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