> And it won't. :-) mv works for BOTH "rename" and "move" (if
> you want, you can put in an alias in your .bashrc for "ren"
> to "mv" and that would allow you to use the old "dos"
> command "ren" <G>)

Watch it.  While in DOS you can rename all .txt files to .doc with REN
*.TXT *.DOC, Linux won't handle mv *.txt *.doc the same way.  I haven't
tried it yet, but I imagine it will simply not work.  If you want to do
things like that, you can make a tricky shell script called ren or

Andy Goth       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://zap.to/andygoth/
"Success is a disease; it can make smart people think they can't lose."
                                -- Bill Gates, on why IBM is going down
                                 (as seen in Pirates of Silicon Valley)
"Down with big brother!"                               -- George Orwell

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