On 12-Aug-99 Petey wrote:
> What is a good tape backup solution for Linux?  I'm looking for
> something
> cheap that can backup 10-20 GB at a time.  I would like to use
> the backup
> software that comes with Linux too.  Thanks for your input.
> Jason Peterson

I use BRU, a commercial solution. It's not too expensive and they
have a 60 day return policy if you don't like it. It works great
for me and spending a few bucks to have something reliable is
worth every cent. You could also try TAPER, which is free. The
newest version is 6.9a. The most serious bugs seem to be gone, so
it's worth a look.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the

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