What kind of hardware do you have? I've arranged to purchase an Exabyte tape
drive, but it's only about a 2-gig drive, and, like the other gentleman, I
need something that'll do about 10 gigs+. The only DAT drives I've seen
which can do that, are over $500 for the drive alone! I would prefer
something relatively fast, so I dont have to spend all day and all night
just backing up one system!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 9:08 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Tape Backup

> On 12-Aug-99 Petey wrote:
> > What is a good tape backup solution for Linux?  I'm looking for
> > something
> > cheap that can backup 10-20 GB at a time.  I would like to use
> > the backup
> > software that comes with Linux too.  Thanks for your input.
> >
> > Jason Peterson
> I use BRU, a commercial solution. It's not too expensive and they
> have a 60 day return policy if you don't like it. It works great
> for me and spending a few bucks to have something reliable is
> worth every cent. You could also try TAPER, which is free. The
> newest version is 6.9a. The most serious bugs seem to be gone, so
> it's worth a look.
> ---
> Jonathan Dlouhy
> Principal Oboe,
> Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
> ---------------------
> God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
> courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the
> difference.

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