Hi all. I just recently order a copy of Mandrake from Linux Mall, and
when I attempted to intall it I ran into hordes of errors. I browsed the
site for help and found the mailing list and thought that you fine folks
might assist me in getting my computer straightened out.
It might give you a better idea of my problems to first describe my
system. I have the basic Dell Dimension XPS R450 system configuration
with the 16mb STB nVidia video card and a 17 inch Dell Trinitron
Ok, now on to the errors. I successfully created 2 partitions as needed
for the installation with partition magic with a 2 gig ext2 partition
and a 133.3mb swap partition (partition magic wouldn't let me do over
133.3mb for some reason).
After that I went into BIOS and made my computer boot from the CD-ROM.
So far so good. I continued installation until I got to LILO. I was
trying to install LILO onto the master boot of my win98 partition but
got an error for some reason, so I created a boot disk and continued
installation. Its when I got to the configuration questions things
started getting messed up.
Now, I could of sworn my mouse was serial, but upon further
investigation I found out it was PS/2. I accidentally selected Microsoft
IntelliMouse (serial) instead of Microsoft IntelliMouse (PS/2). I had no
problems with video card selection (I don't think!). The monitor is the
big problem.
I browsed the list through and through and couldn't find my monitor
listed, nor find the frequencies in any of my manuals. I have the Dell
Trinitron 17 inch monitor and selected the Dell VS17 as it was the
closest on the list and I thought it might work.
I continued installation and everything seemed fine. I selected
passwords for root and user then finished the installation and was
greeted by a black screen with a monitor error "Scan out of range". I
pressed enter and was transfered to a finished install screen and
shutdown the computer.
Now, every time I try to boot Linux from the bootdisk it takes 5 minutes
to load from the disk and I get a black screen with a scan out of range
message! Fortunately I can still access windows98 to write you this
message. What should I do??

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