I don't think dell has their monitor specs on the site, BUT, i might be able to
help you as I have 3 dell monitors successfully configured with Mandrake ;o))

Firs, boot your llinux in Command Prompt, for that, boot from your disk and at
the lilo prompt, type

linux 3

you will boot in 'text mode' and you will be able to logon.
Next, run setup, type


at the command prompt and in the menu choose 'X configuration'. There, select
your video card, and chose the first line in the monitor setup menu (don't
remember what it says exactly, something like 'specify your ...' I think,
anyway, just leave your cursor where it is and press enter.
In the list, choose 'non interlaced SVGA monitor 1024*720 @ 60' and press
enter, then, you will be offered the choices for the vertical refresh rate,
there you can just press enter again on the first line. 
That's it, should work, it does for me.


ps Using windows for the moment so I can't check the exact phrasing in the
menues, but if you folow these instructions you should be ok.

On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Hi all. I just recently order a copy of Mandrake from Linux Mall, and
> when I attempted to intall it I ran into hordes of errors. I browsed the
> site for help and found the mailing list and thought that you fine folks
> might assist me in getting my computer straightened out.
> It might give you a better idea of my problems to first describe my
> system. I have the basic Dell Dimension XPS R450 system configuration
> with the 16mb STB nVidia video card and a 17 inch Dell Trinitron
> monitor.
> Ok, now on to the errors. I successfully created 2 partitions as needed
> for the installation with partition magic with a 2 gig ext2 partition
> and a 133.3mb swap partition (partition magic wouldn't let me do over
> 133.3mb for some reason).
> After that I went into BIOS and made my computer boot from the CD-ROM.
> So far so good. I continued installation until I got to LILO. I was
> trying to install LILO onto the master boot of my win98 partition but
> got an error for some reason, so I created a boot disk and continued
> installation. Its when I got to the configuration questions things
> started getting messed up.
> Now, I could of sworn my mouse was serial, but upon further
> investigation I found out it was PS/2. I accidentally selected Microsoft
> IntelliMouse (serial) instead of Microsoft IntelliMouse (PS/2). I had no
> problems with video card selection (I don't think!). The monitor is the
> big problem.
> I browsed the list through and through and couldn't find my monitor
> listed, nor find the frequencies in any of my manuals. I have the Dell
> Trinitron 17 inch monitor and selected the Dell VS17 as it was the
> closest on the list and I thought it might work.
> I continued installation and everything seemed fine. I selected
> passwords for root and user then finished the installation and was
> greeted by a black screen with a monitor error "Scan out of range". I
> pressed enter and was transfered to a finished install screen and
> shutdown the computer.
> Now, every time I try to boot Linux from the bootdisk it takes 5 minutes
> to load from the disk and I get a black screen with a scan out of range
> message! Fortunately I can still access windows98 to write you this
> message. What should I do??
> -Will

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