I guess the consensus on why to use a software based modem was that since
computers are getting more and more powerful, why not use some of that power
to control the modem.  Well, it was a good idea in theory, but I have yet to
find a software modem I like.  Beside the modem sucking cpu cycles away from
other apps, I have yet to be able to connect faster than 45333 on any
software based modem, and I have tried a lot.  I must say that a external
3com USR modem is one of the best in my opinion.  I can get connect rates of
52000 in rural areas that the software modems choke at.  Software modems =
stay away from.

Oh BTW, since when did Linux developers decide to support the WinModems?
Last I heard developers saying was that WinModems sucked big time and that
Linux will never support them in any way.  So, will there be support or not?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rick Fry
Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

As far as I'm concerned, WinModems and ALL HCF modems rate down there along
with Rockwell's original RPI modem. Leave the processing power in the MODEM.
Don't expect the CPU to handle the tasks. WinModems don't even work all that
well in Windows. Why should we expect them to work at all in Linux or any
other operating system? The only reason they're as popular as they are is
because they're CHEAP!!! Wholesalers can buy them CHEAP and they can sell
them to you CHEAP. Believe me, CHEAP ain't always good. I used to work for a
fellow that had a medium priced sound system store. He had a sign that said
"We don't mind competitors that sell their products for less. Some folks
just don't care if the get their oats AFTER the horse has eaten them."

----Original Message Follows----
From: Singer XJ Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 > Kernal 2.4.x series will support WinModems. Linux has already called
for a
 > Feature Freeze for 2.4.x in a week. Remeber. the upgrade from 2.2 to

     OK, we're freezing features in a week for 2.4, and there's currently
(even in 2.3.11) no support for Winmodems--not even a hint of it, but
it's going to be there for 2.4?  Somehow I don't think so.  Maybe over
the course of 2.4.x (that is, before we get to 2.6.x) it may be
integrated, but I doubt even that.

     Considering that each Winmodem is potentially a completely different
device, I really don't think we're going to see this any time soon--nor
do I think the developers should waste their time on it.

     XFS, OTOH, sounds seriously cool.

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