>OK, so how much DID you pay for your network cable etc.???

I forget. But let me answer that question with a question - how much will
*we* pay, as a society, when all the hardware stores are killed by Home
Depots, all the electronics/music/etc stores are replaced by Best Buys,
etc, etc, and so all of the downtown commerce in cities is dead because
everyone goes out ot the suburbs for the malls and superstores, and so
everyone's whole consumer life (which is a big part of life and social
interaction) consists of half-hour drives, parking in huge parking lots,
waiting in huge lines, and dealing with apathetic help because everyone's 5
layers removed from the actual owners (whoever they are)? 

And how much will we pay, when no one can aspire to saving their money and
opening a cute little hardware store or a cute litle book store or a cute
little coffee shop, because the chains have killed them all, and so instead
all such a person can hope for is to save and save and save, and then pay a
huge franchise fee to a big chain so he can wear a red apron for the rest
of his life?

All to save a few dollars?? No thanks. I'd spend more at smaller places, &
go without some things. (Of course it's not really my choice - if everyone
else decides otherwise then I won't have a choice.)

Now, what was I saying about Linux?

 - Chris

P.S. Go Brownies!!!

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