
Does anyone know how I culd solve this problem, or provide the URL
with a guide, or a better solution?

"I've just picked up a New Machine and a Ethernet
Hub (100Mb/sec) Netgear FE-104 as well as two PCI Network cards with it
(Both Netgear 100 Mb/sec) and wanted to turn my P90 into pure Linux box to
use as a Dialup machine and a Host for my MUD's Development site so I code
offline.. The other machine is Win(ahem)dows as It's more or less a game's
machiine..  What I'm having trouble with is the actual networking to get
TCP/IP connection outside from the Windows machine.. I've been told to use
Squid but other then that nothing.. And Squid being a bitch to work with..
Was wondering if you knew of a better way or a Guide for SQUID"

Best regards,
 Paul                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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