I keep reading--"never surf the web for security reasons." Just exactly what
type of security risks are we talking about here? Maybe a dumb question but
a legitimate one. Please help me with my ignorance!
----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE

> On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> > ok maybe I have things messed up here I want to get from the Command
> > part of linux to that GUI. I get stuck at the command prompt and want to
> > the GUI that comes with linux mandrake. After I log in as root what
> > do I type?
> >
> Ahh...type "startx <any options, such as color depth, etc
> go here>" at the command prompt, PREFERABLY as your
> "non-priveleged user" that you set up during the install.
> (One should NEVER "surf the 'Net" as root for security
> reasons!) then open up your Gnome menu (using the "foot"
> icon) and select "KDE Utils" and then the rest should go as
> indicated previously.
> Or, you can just edit your Xclients-default so that it
> looks as follows:
> exec startkde
> You can put this in both the "root" and "user" ~/<home>
> directories so that both will use KDE. However, it would be
> best to do this as the "user" in the user account and
> "root" in your root-user home directory, for "ownership"
> reasons.
> John

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