> > Maybe your card needs to have
> > large disk support enabled similar to the PC bios. I'm
> > pretty damn sure i've set up Mandrake boxes with huge SCSI
> > disks  before now (well +10Gb anyhow).
> > Just a thought !!
> >
> And I appreciate it. It was sold to me as a 9.1 GB scsi, so
> that may be the capacity of it. However, the PDF file for
> that drive (based on the model number sticker, NOT by what
> it is reported as in Linux) says it's a 10.5 Gig drive.
> *shrug* I can't find anything on the model number it
> reports back in the SCSI BIOS.
> John

This wouldn't possibly explain why Linux reports the lower capacity of the
drive on boot up, but it's not just a difference between formatted capacity
and unformatted capacity is it ??

MANY manufacturures (?) exagerrate the capacities of their drives by quoting
the bare unformatted figure - totally unrealistic, as whatever file system
you format a disk with it ALWAYS reduces in size - the larger the disk, the
more scary the amount of size you lose.

Can't think off the top of my head whether a 1.5GB reduction is reasonable
or not - it does sound a little excessive!


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