On 26 Aug, paul johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot get DHCP (Pump) to assign me an address on my Mandrake 6.
> machine at work.  The machine is dual-bootable with WinNT 4.0.  When
> booting in NT I get an address no problem.  The machine is a Thinkpad
> with a 3Com PCMCIA 3C589D-TP.  The DHCP server is WinNT 4.0 server on
> the far side of a 56k frame relay WAN link.
> If I assign the card a static address it works fine in Mandrake but I
> need DHCP.
> Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help.
> P.S.  I searched the newbie archives and didn't find anything relevant.

There should be something in there... I had this problem when setting
up my cable modem.  It was fixed by adding a hostname request to the
pump command line, i.e. `pump -i eth0 -h whatever`.  It doesn't seem to
matter is you request any specific hostname, just that you do request
To get this to happen all the time, edit

Look for 
        pump -i $INTERFACE
change it to 
        pump -i $INTERFACE -h $HOSTNAME

One of these (I think ifdown) has braces around the variable name, i.e.
"-i ${INTERFACE}" so add "-h ${HOSTNAME}" here.  As an added bonus for
using Linux instead of Windows, you don't even have to reboot!  Just run
pump again, including the hostname request:

[root@localhost root]# pump -i eth0 -h dhcp11.yourdomain.com
[root@localhost root]# ifconfig

See if eth0 is up now!  Hopefully this will solve your problem- it
solved mine!

-Matt Stegman

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