I think you have your vernacular incorrect here.

KMail isn't a mail server.  KMail is an email client.  It's the front end
the user interfaces with to read, send, and organize email.

Mail servers are Qmail, Postfix, and Sendmail, just to name a few.  Those
are the applications that run in the background that handle email traffic
such as POP, IMAP, and SMTP.  (Again... just to name a few.)  Those are the
protocols that deal with email.

By default Postfix will be installed in Mandrake 7.2 and older.  I believe
Mandrake 7.1 used sendmail, but I don't recall.

As far as running a mail server.  You don't need a static IP to send email.
You will need a static IP to recieve email directly to your Linux box on a 
dial-up basis.  You could use your mail server to SEND mail, and then use 
fetchmail to download POP mail from another server.  That would be my suggestion
for what it seems like you're doing.

But if you can acquire a static IP, set up your server's DNS with your ISP so 
you will have DNS like mybox.myISP.com.

Maybe that will help a bit.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Matthew Pirritano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010426 11:50]:
| I am connected via an ethernet connection.  I'm trying to use Kmail as the
| server.  I don't think i'm using any client program.  Isn't it possible to
| just use kmail?  I think i figured it out though.  Looks like i just needed
| a static IP address for the server i use.  
| sorry for the vague question is was just really frustrated.
| thanks
| matt
| --On Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 5:27 AM -0700 Todd Lyons
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > matthew pirritano wrote:
| >> 
| >> I am having a lot of trouble configuring my system as an email server.
| >> I'm using Linux-Mandrake 7.2.  Can anyone help me.
| > 
| > Fill in the blanks:
| > How is it connected to the internet?
| > What software are you using for the email server?
| > What client program(s) are you trying to use?
| > 
| > Any other information you can provide would certainly make it easier to
| > answer the question.
| > -- 
| > tlyons at mandrakesoft dot com
| > http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en

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