Steve Philp wrote:
> paul johnson wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I cannot get DHCP (Pump) to assign me an address on my Mandrake 6.
> > machine at work.  The machine is dual-bootable with WinNT 4.0.  When
> > booting in NT I get an address no problem.  The machine is a Thinkpad
> > with a 3Com PCMCIA 3C589D-TP.  The DHCP server is WinNT 4.0 server on
> > the far side of a 56k frame relay WAN link.
> >
> > If I assign the card a static address it works fine in Mandrake but I
> > need DHCP.
> >
> > Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help.
> >
> > P.S.  I searched the newbie archives and didn't find anything relevant.
> Check to see if there is a pump update package available.  I recall
> seeing a Red Hat update shortly after the 6.0 release that mentioned
> something about an inability/difficulty in getting a DHCP response from
> NT servers.  I could be completely off-base about it though, it's been
> months since I saw it and it didn't really apply to anything I was doing
> so I didn't pay much attention to it...  :)

I've been having the same problem, so I've tried both solutions posted
(adding -h $HOSTNAME to ifup, & upgrading pump, & doing both), but it
hasn't solved the problem for me.  On the upside, I now get a low beep
after about 30 seconds from cardmgr letting me know the card is being

After a bit of tinkering, I noticed that the card (assinged IRQ 10 in
Win98) was being assigned looked for on IRQ 9 in linux.  So I added the
line 'exclude irq 9' to /etc/pcmcia/config.opts, and that seems to have
done the trick!  YIPPIE!

        - Theo

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