I am still trying to repair my Mandrake 5.3 system.  I still get the
message at boot up that
"an error occured during the file system check dropping you to shell system
will reboot when you leave the shell, give root password for maint"
I have run e2fsck every which way and it shows no errors.  I can mount hda5
manually and startx and everything works normally but no sound, and why I
try to use the modem it tells me I have no PPP support.  Well it did
yesterday before the crash.  And when I reboot I am right back where I
started.  Dmesg | less shows no errors but why is the thing booting into ro
mode.  etc/fstab looks fine same as before.  Can someone from Mandrake soft
please help?
I am out of ideas.
On the other hand I have redhat 6 sitting here and I have been wanting to
try gnome.

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