Hi Axalon its the 2.0.36 kernel.  I can run fsck from a floppy and it shows
no problem.  I have tried every option except ex2fsck -b which I can;'t
figure out the syntax.   My HD is partitioned as follows
hda5 root
hda6 usr
hda7 swap.
everyone shows clean when I run fsck but if I run it from the command line
it says segmentation fault.  I can run ex2fsck from the command line and
shows clean.  also if I mount the hda5 by hand I can start x and everything
seems fine, but no sound or PPP support.
I can't find out what's wrong but it doesn't seem to be anything major.
I have checked etc/fstab and its fine.
dmesg | less
no error messages just that it found a file system problem and its going to
drop to shell to repair enter root password, control D to reboot.

----- Original Message -----
From: Axalon Bloodstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 1999 12:07 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Strange Problem Need help from Mandrake soft

> On 27-Aug-99 Jeanette Russo wrote:
> >   I am still trying to repair my Mandrake 5.3 system.  I still get the
> > message at boot up that
> > "an error occured during the file system check dropping you to shell
> > will reboot when you leave the shell, give root password for maint"
> > I have run e2fsck every which way and it shows no errors.  I can mount
> > manually and startx and everything works normally but no sound, and why
> > try to use the modem it tells me I have no PPP support.  Well it did
> > yesterday before the crash.  And when I reboot I am right back where I
> > started.  Dmesg | less shows no errors but why is the thing booting into
> > mode.  etc/fstab looks fine same as before.  Can someone from Mandrake
> > please help?
> > I am out of ideas.
> > On the other hand I have redhat 6 sitting here and I have been wanting
> > try gnome.
> > Jeanette
> Hi Jeanette,
>   When it prompts for the password give it, type
> fsck /dev/What_ever_it_whined_about
> If it prompts you for anything answer yes. Hit ctrl-d the machine will
> reboot, does it occur again? Is it the same device? If not just repeat the
> proccess. If it is, what is the /dev/ entry? Whats the partitioning
> scheme? (fdisk -l /dev/hdX) Kernel version? (uname -r)
> --
> MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
>                                         --Axalon

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